Golden Ispat Ltd uses state of the art production technology to produce numerous steel products such as Reinforcing Steel Construction bars (rebar) and Deformed bars. Golden Ispat has adopted the best energy efficient technology – DHR “Direct Hot rolling “with Q&T (Quenching and Tempering) process for rebar manufacturing.
Quality Assurance is a key policy in Golden Ispat Ltd, over the years Golden Ispat has won numerous accolades for their effort in maintaining quality. Our Quality Management System has been developed according to ISO 9001:2015 standards and has received a Bangladesh University of Engineering & Technology (BUET) Tested report.
Main Products
Golden Ispat Billet
Golden Ispat B500CWR
Golden Ispat Grade B400DWR
Advantages of Direct Hot Rolling Process
- The “Direct Hot Rolling Process “eliminates the defects in the microstructure of rolled rebar Viz formation of bubbles, cracks & osteoporosis and improves the mechanical properties.
- High efficiency recuperation of hot –rolled rebar is claimed as the novelty of this process. Hot-rolled rebar has a blue-grey appearance and a rough feel once it completes the rolling process and will remain malleable and soft. Because the rebar remains its ductility. It can be brought into very precise or distinct shape.
- Ferrite –partite internal core increase product durability, longevity and band-ability.
- Slashes energy costs and drive down GHG (Green House Gas) emissions.
- Improve quality of finish products, reduces percentage of miss rolls and scale losses.

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Product Guide
Specification to be observed for domestic Steel Products.
ISO Certified
Golden Ispat Ltd. is an ISO certified manufacturer.
Historical Milestone
One of the first best integrated steel plant in Bangladesh.
Locate Us
Corporate Office: 218 D.T, Old Dewanhat Rd, Chattogram